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2,072,434 books read so far

I think they should put the books in age order because someone big might pick out a small one or the other way round.



I have loved the Summer Reading Challenge because I enjoy reading books and getting the smelly stickers.



I like the summer reading challenge because you get prizes when back at school.



Every single year I enter the reading challenge. I have finished the reading challenge 2 weeks ago. I love reading a lot but i do read very fast because reading is my favourite subject. I spend my time at home reading and writing about books.I even draw characters
from books.I have a big box smaller then a side table and it has more than 50 books there.

I love the stickers.When you have read the the last 2 books on the stickers if u smell the cake it smells like perfume.I am always asking my mum and dad can we go to the idea store. I go to the idea store in Crisp Street Market.My baby sister likes to play on the laptops there.

I just want to say that I just love reading and reading an reading a lot

Bye hope you guys answer back
Once again Bye



hi I have read 4 books making my way to 5 and I really like the summer Reading Challenges too bad schools soon but you would always find me with my head in a book. I am reading Hetty Feather at moment so cant put it down nearly finished and like this is sooooo fun i love all the stickers and cards i like trading too LOL (anybody up for trading?)



i love this summer challange i got a frige magnet codes stickers like that



The Summer Reading Challenge is really good it helps other children like me encourage them to read more books. You also get free prizes and a certificate and medal at the end. I’ve also taken part in many others like the Circus one.



" I have enjoyed the summer reading challenge this year I think it was better than last years challenge and it had more activities including this site. I love reading the scary books with suspense which give me the chills down my spine. I never want to stop its so much fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"



Information for adults


Visit our School Zone to access free resources and Challenge ideas for your class.


Visit our Home Zone, full of useful Challenge information for parents, grandparents and carers. For information about supporting reading in the early years visit our Pre-School Zone.


Visit our Library Zone to find libraries near you running the challenge, and how to take part.