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2,189,311 books read so far

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How it works

The 2024 Challenge has now finished. Keep your eyes peeled for news about the 2025 Challenge, coming to you next summer!

  1. 1. Sign up

    Click 'Join now' to create your account

  2. 2. Read books

    Set your reading goal and read anything you like! Each time you finish a book, add it to your profile and leave a review

  3. 3. Earn digital rewards

    Unlock rewards for your reading including a new online badge and a certificate when you reach your Challenge goal!

  1. 1. Sign up

    Visit your local library and ask to sign up – a librarian will give you a special collector folder when you start your Challenge.

  2. 2. Read books

    Set a reading goal and read anything you like.

  3. 3. Earn rewards

    Each time you finish a book, visit the library. You will collect special stickers and rewards for reading books!*

*Please check with your local library service which rewards they will be offering.