1. Sign up
Click 'Join now' to create your account
2. Read books
Read 3 books or more! When you finish a book, add it to your profile and leave a review
3. Earn digital rewards
Unlock rewards including a new online badge and a certificate when you complete the Challenge!
How it works
Welcome to the Winter Mini Challenge - an online reading challenge you can join from 1 December 2024 to 20 February 2025! Are you ready to take it on?
For grown-ups
Take on the Winter Mini Challenge now!
Read anything you like between 1st December – 20th February, review books on your profile and UNLOCK REWARDS along the way!
Achieve something amazing this winter.
Make your own penguin and more with the Marvellous Makers – click on each character on the News page to find fun how-to’s.
Create your profile