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Hello i love Jacqueline wilson because there just the best. than you very much for leting me have your libery books.THANK YOU.
help I dont know what books to read and I have read lots of book so please help xx
have you seen alice in wonder land ITS GREAT READ IT
I absolutely love Jacqueline wilsons books! I have just read the latest book of hers “the worst thing about my sister” it was absolutely amazing xxxxx
my favourite author is Jacqueline wilson
she is awesome
she has been my favourite author for century’s
i have read all her books
i love wheres wally beacuse its funny when u find him in the most wierd places
I’m reading Megastar Mysteries Angel it’s like the pages turn themselves!
My other favourite book is mystery books adventures and sporty stories.Whats all of yours?I do now some of yours.I also like books with no pictures because you can see the picture in your head!