Have an egg-cellent Easter break!
The Easter holidays are here!
There’s plenty to keep you busy right here on the Summer Reading Challenge website:
Write a book review
You can use your Summer Reading Challenge profile to rate and review your latest reads.
Keep an eye out for some exciting review news – we’ll be telling you how you can win prizes and extra online badges for reviewing your books…
Check out the Poetry Reading Club
We’ll be celebrating the wonderful world of rhymes in our brand new Poetry Reading Club!
See the latest post for an awesome video from Joseph Coelho and some reading recommendations from the top team at National Poetry Day
Enter a competition
We’re giving away a bunch of brand new poetry books to celebrate the launch of our club!
Visit the Competitions page to enter
Play a game
Put your skills to the test with our Summer Reading Challenge games.
Will you make it on to the leaderboard?
Say Hi to other bookworms!
Let everyone know what you’re up to this Easter in Chat!