Swim, Shark, Swim!
Dom Conlon, Anastasia Izlesou
Swim around the world with Shark as he explores ocean forests and coastal reefs, meeting Hammerheads and Great Whites, stingrays and dolphins in a search for the place he calls home.

Like the shark when it goes round the sea.
Coach Ariel Pendragon 29.07.2024

I like shark and I would recommend to another person.
Coach Catapult Moonbeam 11.12.2023

Of The white shark was chasing him
Superintendent Raccoon Stegosaurus 02.08.2023

It felt so good reading the book
Anonymous 24.07.2023

Too hard to read
Ambassador Chip Washington 24.03.2023

Shakespeare for children...
Viscount Neptune Gravy 24.03.2023

I like him swimming because I like swimming
Anonymous 06.08.2022

I loved it because I like sharks. It was about a black tip shark who swam in an the different oceans and met lots of different sharks. He met a white top shark, a lemon shark, a great white shark, a hammerhead shark and basking shark.
Baron Crocodile Hungry-Hippo 24.07.2022

I like learning about Sharks. I liked how it explained where each shark lived.
Sergeant Cello Bertrand 24.07.2022

I loved because it had a shark in and he finally found his home after meeting lots of different sharks.
Baroness Iggy Washington 10.10.2021

Star Reviewer

I love sharks! It took us around the world and where different shark’s habitats are. A habitat is where a creature lives and feeds.
Anonymous 06.09.2021

I loved the descriptions of the shark swimming in the different oceans and who he meets. I would definitely recommend to others.
Lieutenant Chester Dalmatian 05.09.2021

This book wad abit boring to many facts about sharks
Sergeant Gargoyle Washington 05.09.2021

It gave me lots of information about different sharks.
Officer Rapunzel Astronomical 04.09.2021

Sharks are my favourite
Count Muscles Borneo 03.09.2021

I thought this book was boring. this was a shark story. no one should read this book.
Baroness Daffodil Bacon-slicer 02.09.2021

This is a great book all about sharks.
Superintendent Kipper Foxtail 31.08.2021

This book was factual, i love the way that the sharks goes and teaches about each area it goes. I would recommend to anyone who wants to find out more about the oceans
Mademoiselle Daisy Menace 31.08.2021

The way it is written is a bit strange. It is like reading a poem. The pictures are brilliant and the colours are nice.
Viscount Horatio O’Doughnut 28.08.2021

I like how we came across all the different sharks
Earl Chesney Pipistrel 19.08.2021