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The Tindims and the Turtle Tangle

Sally Gardner

The Tindims and the Turtle Tangle


  • Action Adventures - chills, thrills and plenty of spills
  • Funny Stuff - rib ticklers to make you fall off your chair
  • Friends & Family - tears and laughter, and happy ever after

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5 out 5

1 review

The tiny Tindims are like the Borrowers-on-Sea, who turn our everyday rubbish into treasure. A world of characters and adventures to inspire conservation and inventive ways to recycle.



There were three Tindims called Captain Spoons, Broom and Pinch. Captain Spoons and Broom fell off with Bottle Mountain and were stranded on an island. The Long Leg family helped them to get back by fixing their cable car that got transformed into a boat. My favourite part was when they made friends with the Long Leg family.

Professor Crocodile O’Doughnut 06.09.2022

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