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Usborne Book of the Brain and How it Works

Mia Nilsson, Betina Ip

Usborne Book of the Brain and How it Works


  • Facts & Information - lists, stats and plenty of facts

Average rating

4 out 5

14 reviews

This visually astonishing story takes children on a journey into and through the brain. Simple but beautifully illustrated metaphors explain the different jobs that our brains do, and how they use brain cells to accomplish them. From the senses to sleep, memories to making decisions, this book brings the wonder of brains and brain science to life.



I like it because it tells me a lot about how the brain works.

Fairy Babs Sunshine 20.08.2024


I liked this book

Anonymous 07.01.2024


This book told me lots of facts about the brain and how it works. I also liked it because I learned lots of new things about the brain, I would recommend this book to someone else.

Doctor Kiki Astronomical 21.12.2023

Star Reviewer

Star Reviewer


It tells me all facts about my brain. My brain is amazing. It’s functions are beyond my imagination.

Baron Cornetto Ketchup 09.08.2023


I loved this book because it tells me obout how the brain works

Principal Majorca Flattery 03.08.2023


Brilliantly illustrated with interesting pictures explaining how the brain works. It explains complex ideas in a simple, understandable way. It tells the story of a girl wondering how the brain works. By meeting a brain scientist, she explores the whole brain. It shows how neurons pass electrical messages from the brain to the useful body parts and much more. It is recommended for anyone, old or young.

Sir Mandrake Partridge 26.07.2023


Interesting and very informative ,factual

Professor Cilla Luther 22.07.2023


Great book. Very knowledgeable

Judge Phoenix Spaceship 04.12.2022


Yes, I would recommend it to other people because you can know so much about brain.

Major Ice-T Waxwork 05.11.2022


Factual - My favourite bit was when the cell monsters tell you about sight. I didn't the bit where they introduce themselves and the last pages where they did the questions and answers because they were too boring!

Coach Bruno Waltzer 30.08.2022


It was ok

Major Arthur Satellite 13.08.2022


It shows you that your brain is awesome!

Fairy Bubbles Lavalamp 03.08.2022

Star Reviewer

Star Reviewer


Learning different things that the brain does

General Mistral Supermarket 01.08.2022


It interested me because you can learn a lot about your brain. I would recommend it to small kids.

Captain Peanuts Bobble-hat 30.07.2022