The Bee Is Not Afraid Of Me: A Book of Insect Poems: 2021
Fran Long, Isabel Galleymore, Emma Dai'an Wright
Can you imagine a world without bees? Did you know that dung beetles are awesome recyclers? Insects pollinate, recycle and are an important food source for many animals – they’re tiny but mighty superheroes of the animal kingdom. This is an anthology of children’s poems which will educate and excite youngsters about the fascinating world of insects. With factual notes alongside the poems, and black line illustrations.

Is a delightful blend of poetry and ecology, celebrating the beauty and complexity of insects. the poem bring these tiny creatures of life, offering fresh perspectives on their importance. i loved how authors gave personality to insects, making the book both educational and imaginative. i would highly recommend it for both adults and children.
Chief Leach Paddington 22.12.2024

I liked it. My favourite poem was Questions for an entomologist. My favourite line from that poem was: Do Mayflies become Juneflies and then Julyflies?
Dona Rapunzel Pawprint 23.01.2024

A buzzing read!
Doctor Paperback Foxtail 05.09.2023

I like how it tellls about her self and i love the persanalaties of the girl but i dont like the insects.
Princess Letizia Porridge-Oats 08.08.2023

Star Reviewer

I liked the poems. If you like insects and mini beasts then I really recommend this book. My favourite poems were Cabbage White and When a Ladybird gets Scared.
Empress Lacey Fascination 07.08.2023

I enjoyed reading through the poems. It was different to a normal story.
Count Geronimo Bumblebee 06.08.2023

I liked this book because I learnt a lot about a astonishing amount of different species of insects that I have never seen or even heard of before.i liked the dung beetle the most because even though it has an ugly appearance it helps in making our planet clean .it interested me because I learnt a lot of insects superpowers like for instance, that the lady bug shoots stinky stuff from its knees when it's scared.i would definitely recommend this book to my friends .
Duchess Kiki Eragon 24.12.2022

Very good book
Anonymous 03.11.2022

Liked it
Judge Bubbles Wheeliebin 14.09.2022

My favourite poem is called ‘Our Planet’ by Susan Byrne. I like it because it is repetitive.
Ambassador Jet Rubber-duck 08.09.2022

Judge Neptune Hungry-Hippo 23.08.2022

Lots of insect poems, I enjoyed the one about The Termite most.
Inspector Grip Bertrand 12.08.2022

I think that this book was awesome!! I really enjoyed this book because it tells you facts about insects.
Princess Sapphire Slingshot 02.08.2022