Which Animal Agent are you most like? The results are in!

Previously on the Summer Reading Challenge website:
We asked you to vote for the Animal Agent you are most like.
Did your chosen Agent take the top spot?
Read on to find out the results!
A whopping 8,251 voters said:
I have loads of energy and I like to keep busy.
I’m like Daisy the rabbit!
Wow – that’s a lot of energetic agents ready to solve mysteries!
With almost 25% of the vote, making her the 2nd most popular choice, it’s the big boss herself!
5,211 voters said:
I like to be in charge and I’m good at helping others.
I’m like Bernice the bear!
Not far behind are the 4,535 voters who sssssssssaid:
I love to chat and I’m good at telling stories.
I’m like Slip and Slide the snakes!
And finally, 3,683 voters said:
I’m good at solving problems and I’m pretty chilled out.
I’m like Bart the bloodhound!
Don’t forget to visit your profile page to have your say in the latest poll – we’re asking you to vote for the special power you’d most like to have…