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Meet Maya!

DOWNLOAD MY ACTIVITY: How to go on a photography adventure

Hello! I’m Maya. You’ll ALWAYS find me with my camera. I go out looking for inspiration and taking snaps of what I see. My favourite things to photograph are in nature – ferns, flowers, trees, birds – and I love making collages with the photos.

I give my collages as gifts to my friends in the creative club. One time, Kai wrote a poem inspired by my collage, which was really cool.

I also love reading comics and graphic novels. (I can’t wait to read Amelia’s latest creation.)

My activity combines these two ideas – photography and telling a story with pictures. You’ll get a favourite toy or stuffed animal and have them star in their very own adventure! Check it out!

ACTIVITY: How to go on a photography adventure

Maya’s activity was created by photographic artist and educator Alejandra Carles-Tolra. All the Marvellous Makers’ brilliant ‘how-to’ activities have been created in partnership with artists and Create.

Meet Maya! image