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HURRAY for Amy from Sterling

HURRAY for Amy from Sterling

Enormous congratulations to Amy from Sterling, aka Doctor Iggy Slingshot, who has won the third of our Finish the Story competitions!

Amy wrote Eoin Colfer’s favourite ending to his story starter. Read Eoin’s story here, and then check out Amy’s ending below!

"As sybelle’s screaming died down she got a chance to properly study these revolting creatures- they truly were disgusting! their skin, not only bumpy, was slimy and it looked as though the creatures were inserting new eyes into themselves- green and wet and cold. Sybelle shivered. but she wasn’t one to give up, so her eyes began to search every nook and cranny of this strange room for some sort of exit.

After a lot of cooing noises and deep laughter thankfully the rancid creatures began to leave. probably off to scare some other poor bear, thought Sybelle. She looked around, there was some vague distant memory of this place hidden in the depths of her brain. At least she thought that was the case. Perhaps she had been captured by these things before, as a young bear.

Anyway, in such a terrified state, Sybelle couldn’t see reason. she was still blind to it when she crawled into a built in cupboard, trapping herself in the same house as the creatures.

she hid there for (what seemed like) years, crying then sobbing then sniffing and then starting all over again, crying, sobbing, sniffing.

Finally there came the joyous day when there was a tap on the cuboard door. At first Sybelle was petrified of course, but when she heard the soft growl of her mum’s voice and little Gray’s giggling she flung open the door and leaped into her mother’s warm embrace. They hugged for a long time before Sybelle’s mother looked her right in the eyes and said, “Sybelle, darling, I know you don’t like coming to your aunties house but please try not to act like you’ve seen a monster when they walk into the room!”
Sybelle flushed scarlet (well, as red as you could go when you are covered in a thick layer of fur), realising what had happened. She had fallen asleep in the car on the way here, her mum must have carried her upstairs to the guest room in her auntie’s house and when her aunties had come up to see if she was awake, covered in their green bear fur conditioner, Sybelle had mistaken them for monsters and being so tired and frightened she must have just imagined that she was no longer a bear!

Sybelle was convinced that was what had happened…
at least untill she saw aunty Bearnadett’s hand turning off the light in her room. instead of a normal claw she saw a fat pink thing with five dangling fronds hanging off it…"

The good Doctor has won £100 worth of books, and her story will go through to the judging for the overall winner at the end of October.

Eoin thought the story was brilliant! He said: “Dr Iggy cleverly explained what had happened in an almost plausible way before hitting us with the sting of the Aunty’s hand in the final sentence. Classic horror move and unexpected from a young writer. So well done Iggy.”

What did you think of the story? Tell us in Chat!

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