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Creepy Colouring

Susie from Devon

Creepy Colouring

Before the summer holidays I got thinking about the Creepy House theme and got scribbling away. Here is the drawing I came up with.

You can even download the picture and have a go at colouring it in if you’d like! Just click to download it for free, and print it off, then have fun with your felt-tips, crayons, pencils and paints and make it just how you want it to look. It might even trigger you to have a go making your own Creepy House drawing. Have fun, and let us know what you think.

The big scary plant in the pot is carnivorous, which means it eats creatures. But the little kitty in the picture doesn’t look too bothered.

My own two cats, called Daphne and Wolfgang, are quite fearless, except for when they see the enormous black cat from next door!

Has anyone else got any funny or scary pets? Or read any good books about animals? I’d love to hear about them.

There are some brilliant shortish books about pets called “Pop Hooper’s Pets,” by Kyle Mewburn. I would start with “Scruffy Old Cat.”

Bye for now.

EPIIIIIIIIIIIIC! i love it. you should be proud of yourself! :-)

Comment by Anonymous

Ahhh, that’s very sweet, Senorita Phoenix Gooseberry, thank you!

Reply from Susie from Devon

You are absoulutely brilliant at drawing Susie!

Comment by Anonymous

Thank you ever so much Senorita Tuesday Snivel! How about you? Do you like to draw? Have you tried drawing any of the Creepy House characters? If you like Chris Riddell’s drawings (he did all the drawings for Creepy House) then why not try reading his Ottoline series? The first one is called Ottoline and the Yellow Cat. It’s FULL of his brilliant drawings. Or the Far Flung Adventure series by Chris Riddell and Paul Stewart. I love all of them, but best to start with Fergus Crane.

Reply from Susie from Devon

You are literally AMAZING at drawing!

Comment by Anonymous

You are very kind to say so, Empress Pinky Vesuvius. If you like drawing the best thing is to practise as often as you can. A good place to start can be copying to your favourite book character and see how other artists draw. Have fun if you do!

Reply from Susie from Devon

Thats an AMAZING drawing i LOVE it.

Comment by Anonymous

Thank you very much Nurse Letizia Piccalilli, that’s very kind. Do you like drawing? There are so many brilliant artists who make pictures for books, my favourite is Alex T Smith who writes and illustrates the Claude books. Who do you like?

Reply from Susie from Devon

I love the Fat Lawrence book by Dick King Smith – what a sneaky cat!

Comment by Anonymous

That’s an excellent choice, Superintendent Jiminy Mildew. I’ve seen it on our library shelves but never read it so I’ll give it a try. Have you read any of his other animal stories? I particularly love The Fox Busters and Daggie Dogfoot.

Reply from Susie from Devon

I have read two books in the Animal S.O.S Series by Kelly Mckain. They are very good, I loved them. The mystery part was a bit scary but the animals sounded cute. I would love to have a hamster even though that isn’t a scary pet ! It can be though as my mum used to have a hamster and it was so aggressive it had to be put down :( I have also read Poodle Problem by Anna Wilson and that was amazing, I really enjoyed it! I am getting the next book, The Dotty Dalmatian, from the library soon and I am looking forward to reading it. I have read well over the six books for the reading challenge, but I only record one book per week in my reading challenge pack, otherwise I would have finished within a few days of starting !!!! I am working towards the 100 book badge !!!

Comment by Anonymous

Wow, Senorita Blossom Elephant! Your animal books sound really interesting. I hope people will try them after your recommendation. I really admire your plan and diligence at spreading out the challenge, I think you’ve really entered into the spirit of keeping your reading alive over the summer. That’s excellent. I hope you’ll enjoy The Dotty Dalmation. Have you ever read any Animal Rescue books by Tina Nolan? Good luck with the challenge and thanks for sharing.

Reply from Susie from Devon

I really like the book is the best book ever I had in my life.

Comment by Anonymous

Hello Director Fandango Frankenstein. I’m glad you’ve enjoyed your book so much! Keep going!

Reply from Susie from Devon

thank u very much are a expert that i talked to for the first time. You are a real expert

Comment by Anonymous

Lord Grip Quagmire, it’s been a real pleasure to talk to you about books! I love books! Feel free to ask as many questions as you like.

Reply from Susie from Devon

wow i like your idea susie in devon. i wish i could do somthing similar which is going to be my second chat i have done because i am new.

from Mademoiselle Pinky Eggybread from gosport aged 8

Comment by Anonymous

Hello Mademoiselle Pinky Eggybread! Thank you. Yes, have a go and get drawing. Have you seen the little video on this Creepy House website from Chris Riddell who drew all the pictures for Creepy House? The video shows you how to draw one of his characters. See if you can find it. He’s amazing!

Reply from Susie from Devon


Comment by Anonymous

I hope you enjoy it, if you have a go, Mademoiselle Peaches Sherbert. Thanks for looking!

Reply from Susie from Devon

does it cost money when looks absolutely amazing i like it. youre great susie.GO SUSIE.

Comment by Anonymous

Hello again Lord Grip Quagmire! Thank you very much, I’m pleased you like it. It is absolutely FREE to download it. If you have any difficulties, ask an adult to help you. Usually you should be able to right-click on the picture then click on “save as” then it will be saved onto your computer and print it out. OR if you have some arty software on your computer you could add colour digitally. See how you get on. I hope you have fun!

Reply from Susie from Devon